Life in general is crazy. I mean, what's it to me that I've been working non-stop? Sure it's taking me away from what I want to be doing, but I can't really complain. Heck, at least I'm writing! Plus this month I did have money to buy "Wicked" tickets and to buy a pair of lamps. Light? It's nice to be able to see when you're sitting in a room. Darkness isn't your friend when you're trying to page through a magazine for a new hairstyle. Nor is it your friend when you're trying to play cards. Of course, if I went emo or was into magic tricks...
Speaking of crazy, because we are, I've got a couple of things to add to my repertoire:
(1) I'm not only all the things my profile says about me, but now I get to add "a writer with carpel tunnel". I can't seem to catch a break. If I suddenly decided that I was going to be a professional hot dog eater, I'd probably catch lockjaw from a tainted fork. I've decided to go with the flow and wear my "wristbands of steel". Watch out Wonder Woman! *clink clink*
(2) Madison is going to be an outcast because of me. It just has to be accepted. One day, several weeks ago, I was trying to make turkey meatballs. They kept falling apart in the pan so I said, "Oh geez, you MEATBALLS!" Now, when Madison gets in trouble she puts on this very serious face, then out of nowhere grins and screams, "MEATBALLS!" ...and runs off. On bad days she twirls around in circles chanting, "Meatballs, Meatballs, Meatballls..." If I wrote Super Nanny, you think she'd send a cheesy response? I know, that was bad. "MEATBALLS!" *running away*
(3) I've recently become a follower of Dr. Oz. Wait, not "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" Oz, Oprah's guy. So now I'm eating blueberries and a myriad of bright colored vegetables, and I've taken my family along on the ride as well. The other day I saw he mentioned that a glass of red wine was worthy only because of the alcohol. You don't actually get the benefits of the grapes if the alcohol isn't there. In addition, lycopene in tomatoes works better with a little olive oil. See, not only am I crazy, but I'm educational as well. Yay for alcohol and crusty garlic bread with saucy spaghetti! Just sayin'...
(4) Madison was just accepted into a local Pre-K program; 2 days a week for 2 hours at no cost. I don't know whether to rejoice or to simply do a jig. My sassy 3-year-old has no clue that soon she'll be singing the likes of nursery rhymes and learning about feathers, french fries and fiddlesticks on "F" day"... and I have no clue what I'm going to do with my four hours of freedom, but I'm sure I'll think of SOMETHING! By the way, I just told her that next week she's going to start school. She's now screaming, "Whoo Hooo" and doing a jig. Hey, at least it's not "meatballs"...
(5) I don't know why I couldn't just end with 4. Maybe it's my incessant need for order and lists that come in 3's, 5's or 10'. Maybe it's because there are a mound of dishes to do and I'm procrastinating...
Gotta love Thursdays. Got any crazy at your end? Spill so I don't feel lonely too...
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