(photo by momwithapen)
Sometimes my family makes me laugh. Most often than not, it's about something random. Like this afternoon, while I was talking to my Mom on the phone...
MOM: I am so tired.
ME: Well, that's understandable. You just finished class. (She works with kids with autism.)
MOM: I heard something that reminded me of you today. You know cows pass bad gas?
ME: *silence* (trying to understand what this has to do with me.)
MOM: It seems that their gas is bad for the environment. Kangaroo's have good gas though.
ME: Kangaroos? (Are the cows or the kangaroos like me...)
MOM: So they are trying to study the bacteria in cows and kangaroos so they can make cows have good gas.
I'm still not quite sure what this has to do with me...
I Googled the story my Mom gave me this evening. Well, what do you know...it's TRUE! Unfortunately for Mom, it's old news though.
Ok, and then there was this conversation with Madison today:
*listening to They Might Be Giants (for Kids) in the car*
ME: Come on Madison, clap...clap..clap.
MADISON: No. (When does "no" stop being their favorite word?)
ME: Come on, you're being a stick in the mud.
MADISON: No Mommy. There no mud in here.
ME: Oh come on, clap!
ME: Stick in the mud...stick in the mud... *chanting*
MADISON: Don't worry Mommy, I take da stick out.
And that folks is a family...
(Please note that there wasn't any random conversations with the hubby today. It's all good. Tomorrow's another random day!)
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